Phishing is a type of attack which attempts to steal sensitive information like user login credentials, credit card number, etc. either through an email or through a pop-up window or a fake website. It occurs when an attacker is masquerading as a trustworthy entity in electronic communication. The emails may ask the recipient to click a link and provide confidential information like account number, username and transaction password, mobile number, address, debit card/ credit card number, CVV, PAN, date of birth, mother’s maiden name, passport number, etc.

Modus operandi of email phishing:

An attacker creates a fake email ID which almost looks like the real one, but there is always some difference.
For example, the attacker might create an email ID as ‘’ instead of ‘’.
At first glance, both the email IDs would appear genuine, as there is only a slight spelling mistake but if the victim is in a hurry, he/she might end up interacting with the spoofed website and share confidential data.

Modus operandi of website phishing:

  • An attacker creates a fake website which almost looks like the real one, but there is always some difference.
  • For example, the attacker might create a website and name it ‘Hundread Bank’ instead of ‘Hundred Bank’.
  • At first glance, both the sites would appear genuine, as there is only a slight spelling mistake but if the victim is in a hurry, he/she might end up interacting with the spoofed website and share confidential data.

Security measures:

  • Be cautious while clicking on links, downloading files, or opening attachments in emails, especially ones received from unknown senders.
  • Be cautious while providing your personal details on any links or pop-ups.
  • Carefully observe the website name / email ID before sharing any data.
  • As a best practice, do not transact or share any confidential data on websites not starting with https:// (where s stands for secured).
  • Protect your computer or mobile operating system with updated anti-virus and anti-spyware softwares.
  • To report any phishing attack, kindly write an email to

Always remember: Jo Satark, Wohi Surakshit!

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