Security is important, especially with regards to financial transactions where it is vital to guard against any exploitation. Since your information and financial security is our top priority, we are committed to secure the same as also encourage you to be Satark and have a secure and safe banking experience. With this endeavour of having a dedicated web page, we have a focused approach to make the larger audience aware about increasingly sophisticated and malicious techniques being attempted by attackers / fraudsters and top security preventive measures. We believe your support in being vigilant will also serve as mutual harmony and motivation towards creating and sustaining a safe and secured ecosphere.
Disclaimer: Information mentioned in these sections are for awareness purpose only, and shall not be considered as any legal advice.

Safety Measure
we believe in safeguarding and enhancing your online banking experience with us. These safety measures will help you…

Types Of Attacks
Know what to do on noticing anything suspicious. Please note that the information provided here is generic in nature and for informational…