For ease of our customers, The Anand Mercantile Co-Operative Bank Ltd. offers the feature of e-banking thereby utilizing paperless options. Each customer is provided with…


Some security measures of ATM banking are as follows:
Register your mobile number with the Bank to get alerts of transactions.
Beware of “shoulder surfing”…

Phone Banking

Some security measures of Phone banking are as follows:
Avoid giving verification details over in public place.
Phone Banking channel is meant…

Mobile Device Security

Password-protect your mobile device to protect against unauthorized access. Set up a Pin/password/pattern that is difficult to crack. You may set biometric lock in your smart phones.

Email Security

Your email ID is your identity and address on the Internet. This should be protected the same way.
Be cautious while disclosing your email ID on websites, chat rooms,…

Password Security

When you create your password, make it at least 8 characters long. Include at least one capital letter, one numeral (0-9), and one special character (\,@,#,%,$,^)…